Introduction: Why I Want to Write a Systematic Theology

The idea of writing a systematic theology appeals to me for a couple of reasons.  At the very least, I believe that writing it will clarify my own understanding of Christian belief. After this, my secondary hope is to set an example for other Christians who want to reflect on their own faith, and maybe even find someone who might be interested in coming along for the journey. 

I want to state up front that even though I am a seminary graduate, I am not a professional theologian. I have an M.Div. in Biblical Studies (not in Theology), and I have pursued a secular career (not an academic, or ministerial position). I know that other people have been more thorough and erudite in explaining the fine points of Christian Theology. My purpose is not to assume a place among the writers of great works, but simply my own exercise in what St. Augustine called fides quaerens intellectum (faith seeking understanding). This work has value because it is an exploration of my own understanding.

To those who are interested in reading further, these posts tagged prolegomena will be where I will discuss my approach:  What I hope to achieve, what I believe is important, what I feel is a waste of time. With that admission out of the way, I will move on to specifics.


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